Skybackbone Engenio Srl
Piazzale della Repubblica 19
41012 Carpi (MO), ER, Italy
Ragione sociale Skybackbone Engenio Srl
Sede legale via Lenin 1, Carpi (MO), ER, Italy
Codice Fiscale 03512590369
Partita IVA IT03512590369
posta elettronica certificata (PEC)
Ufficio del Registro di iscrizione Modena
numero Repertorio economico amministrativo (Rea) MO - 394217
capitale in bilancio 55.000€ int.ver.
eventuale liquidazione in seguito a scioglimento non app.
eventuale stato di società con unico socio non app.
eventuale società o ente alla cui attività di direzione e di coordinamento la società è soggetta non app.
(in ottemperanza art. 2497-bis C.C.)
in 2011, Skybackbone Engenio is a consulting company and a cloud service broker developing enterprise business solutions for the optimisation and integration of processes, applications and devices.
Skybackbone specialises in ERP/CRM/eCommerce infrastructure management, Performance optimisation, providing Customers with cutting edge technologies, high level expertise, and tailor-oriented services
Simplify Technology Adoption
We believes that simplification and quick response are key to challenging market conditions in a hyper-complex and ever-changing world.
Support our Customers’ Success with Technology
To help companies achieve success we effectively listens, understands and executes Customer projects, while minimising the costs involved
To integrate enterprise–level technologies into single tailored packaged solutions
We integrates industry-standard technologies and best practices into business solutions.
Skybackbone Engenio Srl
Piazzale della Repubblica 19
41012 Carpi (MO), ER, Italy
in 2011, Skybackbone Engenio is a consulting company and a cloud service broker developing enterprise business solutions for the optimisation and integration of processes, applications and devices.
Skybackbone specialises in ERP/CRM/eCommerce infrastructure management, Performance optimisation, providing Customers with cutting edge technologies, high level expertise, and tailor-oriented services
Simplify Technology Adoption
We believes that simplification and quick response are key to challenging market conditions in a hyper-complex and ever-changing world.
Skybackbone Engenio Srl
Piazzale della Repubblica 19
41012 Carpi (MO), ER, Italy
Ragione sociale Skybackbone Engenio Srl
Sede legale via Lenin 1, Carpi (MO), ER, Italy
Codice Fiscale 03512590369
Partita IVA IT03512590369
posta elettronica certificata (PEC)
Ufficio del Registro di iscrizione Modena
numero Repertorio economico amministrativo (Rea) MO - 394217
capitale in bilancio 55.000€ int.ver.
eventuale liquidazione in seguito a scioglimento non app.
eventuale stato di società con unico socio non app.
eventuale società o ente alla cui attività di direzione e di coordinamento la società è soggetta non app.
(in ottemperanza art. 2497-bis C.C.)
in 2011, Skybackbone Engenio is a consulting company and a cloud service broker developing enterprise business solutions for the optimisation and integration of processes, applications and devices.
Skybackbone specialises in ERP/CRM/eCommerce infrastructure management, Performance optimisation, providing Customers with cutting edge technologies, high level expertise, and tailor-oriented services
Simplify Technology Adoption
We believes that simplification and quick response are key to challenging market conditions in a hyper-complex and ever-changing world.
Support our Customers’ Success with Technology
To help companies achieve success we effectively listens, understands and executes Customer projects, while minimising the costs involved
To integrate enterprise–level technologies into single tailored packaged solutions
We integrates industry-standard technologies and best practices into business solutions.